So it’s been quite a while between updates, but a lot has actually been happening. Mostly on page updates in terms of adding content, creating more money pages, internal linking.
But the most important milestone of all is….
So after 6 months the first sale has arrived resulting in a commission of $17. Not too bad really considering how much time, cost and links have been put into this project. It’s been a great case study so far on playing it safe in terms of link building and just growing a site naturally (with a few strategic plays).
Let’s take a closer look at what has been happening since September 2019.
Once the core money page structure was determined, I pushed hard on creating a lot of additional money pages for products.
The site went from 2 to 21 money pages!
With the creation of new money pages allowed me to then return to existing informational posts and perform internal linking.
More informational content was also created in the form of “guides to the best …..” which also allowed for more internal linking. The topics for these articles were specifically researched based on search volume vs difficulty. Many are ranking quite well and definitely assisting with organic traffic (as seen in Google Search Console)
Local Store Directory
To create additional organic traffic opportunities I setup a store directory with individual store pages (16) that are relevant to the niche. I am quite surprised how quickly the majority of these pages went straight to the top 10. With some smart internal linking throughout existing content, I should see even better results, so I shall be continuing with adding more and more store locations in the coming months – very little cost to do this which is great.
Link Building
The plan from day one was to try and grow the site as organically and evergreen as possible. This has been done, however there was always going to be a requirement for some outreach and link building. Whilst kept to a minimum, in mid January a mix of 5 branded and generic links were added. Mid February 3 higher quality DA 40 – 70 branded links were added.
- Created 19 money pages with products ready for reviews
- Added content to 8 money pages with 5 product reviews per page and general buyers guide content
- Internal linking
- 9 general information posts
- 16 store location pages in a custom store directory
This period
This period